My sweet friend Rossy told me yesterday about an awesome hunt, the Red Packed Hunt. Here you can find more details. So, I've finished it today morning, and I have to say that there are a lot of beautiful things in this hunt! But, in some of the shops I've find also a lot of fantastic things, like those that I'm going to show you!
[ Bunny B ] has got this beautiful skin: in the pack there's another without the orange tears.
Hair come from Hair Oh , like also the muffler and the socks. You can resize the socks (feet).
The dress is a lovely lucky board present from KENZIE&Co (there are more different presentes!)

*BOOM* has a lucky board with a awesome gift: this lovely acessory for the back

pic 1
Skin [[Bunny B]] - Ashley ::: Pale //Makeup 10 [ Bunny B ] [Free]
Hair :::(o_x):::Oh my TOCHIGI JAPAN [ Hair Oh ] [Free]
Dress Don't Rain On My Parade - Fall [ KENZIE&Co ] [Free/Lucky Board]
Muffler and Socks oh , very warm socks and muffler [ Hair Oh ] [Free]
Earrings kik group gift earring(red) [ kik ] [Free]
pic 2
Skin [[Bunny B]] - Ashley ::: Pale //Makeup 10 [ Bunny B ] [Free]
Accessory Aranel's Diamond Heart Wings (teal) [ *BOOM* ] [Free/Lucky Board]
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